Professional actors for professional results
07769 735 341
Role-play is an effective way of helping people improve their skills in business or educational situations. It enables participants to learn and develop soft skills in a safe, positive and constructive environment.
Using actors means that the situations will be realistic and consistent. In addition, the inclusion of constructive third-party feedback can make a huge improvement in the client’s confidence and development. Participants have commented on a marked difference in their professional performance after using role-play as a technique.
At Scenario, we have experience in the application of role-play to a wide range of situations.

Scenario often holds meetings and workshops before the training session or examination to establish a brief which enables us to design a varied and engaging session to suit the individual needs of the client.
Activities can include role-play to focus on individual targets, forum theatre, small group or large group work and interactive sessions. We aim to make our work funny and entertaining as well as focusing on the objective of the day.

Medical role-plays

We regularly provide role-players to the NHS and other medical organisations for communication skills training sessions and doctors’ examinations at a variety of levels.
These include the consistent replication of patient behaviour in medical examinations such OSCEs and foreign doctor eligibility to practice, simulating psychiatric patient diagnostic sessions and “bedside manner” training. This has included dealing with difficult patients or breaking bad news.
Legal role-plays

We have provided role-players for trainee and practising lawyers at a number of universities law colleges, chambers, solicitors’ firms and the police.
Applications include the provision of realistic and credible witnesses for training in examination and cross-examination techniques for trainee barristers.
We have also provided role-players for questioning and arrest procedures for police-training courses and interview best practice for trainee criminal solicitors and the CPS.
Training courses

In addition to supplying actors for businesses, Scenario uses experienced trainers, who work with the actors to produce a complete training day for our clients.
Some of the training courses which Scenario currently provides are:
Performance management
Effective communication
Assertiveness training
Effective leadership and management
Sales skills
Personal development of group and individual
Presentations – creation and delivery

Scenario role-players have worked extensively in schools, colleges, exclusion units, job centres and prisons. Recent projects have involved designing scenes, improvising forum theatre pieces and facilitating interactive role-plays for a range of different key stages.
Frequently requested subjects and themes include enterprise, interviewing skills, racism, bullying, drugs awareness, homophobia, knife crime and gangs.
As with all Scenario projects, the role-players are briefed in advance and always meet to prepare the sessions which are specifically targeted to meet the objectives and needs of the school or college.